32 Weeks
Woo Hoo! I made it to 32 weeks! Take THAT Dr. S!
I don't know why I'm even bothering with the Procardia at this point, it's not doing a darn thing! I've found that the Braxton Hicks contractions are not as frequent, but the real ones (yes there is a difference in where the tightening is) are happening every 10 minutes or so. I know most doctors would say "If you're having them more than 6 times an hour, go to the hospital." But I know that unless my doctor is there, or maybe one other doctor from the practice, they'd all just send me home right away. Unless of course my water broke.
So, I go on with my days, with moments of pain every 8-10 minutes.
At this week's check-up, things are progressing, or regressing depending on your point of view. Thinning again, back to where everything was a month ago before my miraculous thickening. At this rate, we estimate between 34-35 week delivery. My son was a 35 week-er, and though I hated the 10 day NICU stay, we survived it just fine.
We had a small baby shower this week, I'm so thankful for my friends. Anyone who knows me knows that I love to entertain... so this was the perfect excuse! Especially since I really haven't seen many of my friends throughout the pregnancy, because of how sick I was.
As always, I prepared way to much food, but in my defense, I was expecting more people than were able to come. I always prepare for the maybe's, just in case.
I loved having everyone over, and then crashed on the couch immediately after everyone left. I was exhausted. Then, I got sick.
Joy, hyperemesis is back...
I've not had much of an appetite this week, and too much to drink made me feel "swishy," but I hadn't gotten sick in weeks! But now it's back. Maybe it's the changing of hormones to prepare for the birth, but I just feel yucky and don't want to leave my bed, let alone my house.
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