Thursday, April 17, 2014

Is it FINALLY time?

37 weeks

I woke up Sunday feeling run down.  Perhaps it's because Saturday was such an eventful day: my daughters' bible quiz tournament was here in town, so I was finally able to watch them compete.  They got 2nd place.

I started feeling nauseous, but not really getting sick.  I just wanted to sleep.

Monday I felt worse and was getting sick, so I worked from home.    No one needs to see a pregnant woman getting sick.  I wasn't contracting as much, which was a plus.

Tuesday, April 1, my husband decided to play a joke:

It made a few people mad, including me.

I decided some fresh air was in order, maybe that would help with the nausea.  So I went for a casual walk at my neighborhood park.  Went home, and then the "fun" started.

I'd never experienced my water breaking naturally; it was broken for me when I was induced with Samantha, and then it happened after epidural with Emmalee and Steven, so I didn't know what it would feel like.  I'd been told it would be a gush or a trickle, but I also know babies can put pressure on a bladder and cause the same trickle feeling.

I went about my day as usual, but after a few hours I called my doctor; I didn't want to have to go to the hospital for nothing.  Of course she wasn't there, and the other doctors in the office were too busy.  By this point its after 3pm, I have my three kids and husband is working… so I call and have him come home early.

He dropped me off, he figured it was another false alarm, and told me to call when I was released.

First thing we noticed was baby's heart rate was high.  I mean, really high.  The nurse, who was probably the best nurse we'd had, was very proactive.  After the initial test showed that my water did not break, and that I was still only at 3cm dilated, she suggested a few more to the young resident who was seeing me.  As they were prepping for these test, suddenly I felt a gush… but it wasn't my amniotic fluid, it was blood.  OK, now we're in critical mode.

The doctor on call was not available, so a senior resident was brought it.  Baby's heart rate was still high, but slowing down.  We did ultrasounds to check fluid levels and umbilical cord placement.  Everything was normal.  At this point, my husband is back and trying to calm me down. After being there for almost 3 hours, they check me again… 5cm!  Hallelujah it's time!  

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