Monday, April 14, 2014

When Nothing Helps

36 Weeks

Nothing has stopped the contractions.  Nothing has caused me to go into full labor.  Nothing is helping the Hyperemesis that has returned.

(Again, almost 4cm at my last appointment, 90%.)

I don't have much of an appetite now, and if I have to much to drink I feel all swishy.  I hadn't really gotten sick since my visit to the hospital 3 weeks ago, but now it's back.

The baby goes through times of a lot of sleep, no movement, which scared me.  Then she/he gets all frantic and every slight movement is painful.

It feels as though the baby is sitting sideways… at this point he/she should have their head down, and back to my front.  But it's back is to my right side, and it's feet kicking my left.  This kid has always favored my right side…

Perhaps if this kids were to get into the right position, everything would move along.  I sit up as straight as possible, I sit on the exercise ball, I lay on my left side, I lean up against walls.  This kid is being stubborn.

I've been taking the Evening Primerose Oil (Omega-6). I replaced my Omega-3 with it.  It sits better with me, doesn't cause the heartburn that the Omega-3 did.  And if it will help bring on labor, great!

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