Braxton Hicks contractions are suppose to be painless. They're suppose to be short and infrequent. So then why am I having them every 5 minutes, for about a minute, and it's stopping me in my tracks. I've been doing everything that a woman's suppose to do when dealing with these: walk around, empty bladder, drink some water (as much as I can handle), take a bath, try to relax.
After talking to my nurse, and following up with my doctor, I was instructed to go to the hospital after 2 straight hours of these contractions. I was averaging 90 minutes of contractions, then a few hours off. Every day. For the last week. Even through the night. So thankfully the contractions stop on their own after a while, keeping me out of the hospital for the time being.
Baby's heartbeat was a bit lower this week during my visit with Nurse Kate, and was hiding from the doppler. Again, baby had the hiccups.
Because I've not gained a lot of weight (compared to other moms at this stage), I've not given baby a lot of room to move around. So anytime he/she moves, it hurts. Baby stays in a lateral position most of the day; now that it's growing the movements are more painful, and occasionally I'll get foot or hand in my ribs.
The nausea is returning more fiercely. I'd really thought I was done being sick. Guess I was wrong. I suppose it's a good thing we were hit with these snow storms, I was able to stay in and rest without needing to call off work, because the whole city was shut down. Hubby and the kids were able to keep themselves entertained while I rested.
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Found this by the couch after I got done getting sick… aren't my kids sweet? |
I've been having a hard time sleeping, too. Can't seem to sleep through the night. My husband and I bought ourselves Jawbone Up 24's for Christmas, best investment ever. While I don't have the energy to walk the suggested 10,000 steps per day, it's nice to see my sleeping patterns. Which are pretty awful. I guess it's my body's way of preparing me for sleepless nights in a couple of months.
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