Thursday, January 16, 2014

First image

18 weeks, still getting sick.

I was scheduled for our mid-pregnancy ultrasound, but it had to be rescheduled due to illness.

My husband and I didn't want to wait.  We wanted to make our announcement, we wanted a picture to show everyone. But most of all, we wanted to make sure baby was ok.

We already knew a few people expecting and due around the same time as we are (April 2014) had made their announcements early on in their pregnancy.  We hadn't wanted to steal anyone's thunder, but we wanted our moment too.

So on November 22, we went and had 3D/4D ultrasounds done at My Little Me.  For $70, we were really hoping for some great pictures.  However, baby kinda had other plans.  We were able to get a few cute shots, but baby was breach.  Feet right by the face for most of the session, sitting at a weird angle.  We got one cute one, though.  Not sure which sibling the new baby looks like...

Samantha, 2005

Emmalee, 2006
Steven, 2008
Baby #4

It was an emotional moment, watching our son/daughter moving around, kicking it's feet, even waving at us.  It creeped the kids out a bit, they didn't quite understand how we could see inside mommy's tummy.  But there is the newest member of our family.  Even if I'm sick everyday until the day the baby is born, as long as he/she is ok, it will all be worth it.

At 19 weeks, my official ultrasound was rescheduled.  Baby still breach.  It was hard to get measurements, but we estimate around 8oz in weight.  Couldn't really get a length.  Again, baby was active, but this time it was harder to watch.  It was like there wasn't enough room for him/her.  More waving, lots of hiccups.  Even a yawn.  We aren't planning on finding out the gender.  Even if we wanted to, however, the baby didn't cooperate.  Oh well, Steve wins this time.

Thumbs Up
Big Yawn!

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