Of course, we received dozens and dozens of well wishes. There were a few people who seemed slightly hurt that we hadn't shared the news sooner, given my condition. Many people questioned how they hadn't realized that I was with child... and all I could say was due to my condition I was in hiding.
It seems like most people are more excited than others. Mainly, the people who don't know anything about my condition. A few have even offered to prepare meals for us.
For Thanksgiving, my kids and I went to my parents house, 2 hours away. Steve had to work, so I was on my own. I was nervous to drive myself, and my dad refused it. So my brother drove. In the car he mentioned that he looked up my condition online, and proclaimed I'm the unluckiest mom in the world. I think it clicked with my family how serious my condition is.
While Steve was working on Black Friday, I slept. I browsed for some Christmas gift ideas, but I'm really not feeling it. I have no energy. No desire to purchase and wrap gifts. I don't want to decorate. Is that bad? Steve loves Christmas shopping, and usually goes overboard...
All I can think about is rest, staying healthy and getting ready for baby.
According to my What To Expect app, the baby is roughly the size of a banana. And now, the baby will be starting to "taste" the food that I eat. I'm not eating much, yet though. Still having my shakes at breakfast, then a small dinner (my kids eat more that I do). Still not drinking enough, maybe 20 - 30 ounces a day. Doc may put me back on IV's by the end of the week.
Frequent dizzy spells, lots of nausea, and frequent heartburn are my life right now. I mean, I had heartburn with my other kids - and yes, they were born with full heads of hair. Heartburn is awful. I have Tums all over the place: my bedroom, my kitchen, my car, my purse, my office.
Add that to my long list of pills that I take daily...
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