Monday, February 10, 2014

Christmas and Kidney Infections

23 weeks

It's Christmas time… and I'm really not in the spirit of things.

I didn't want to bake cookies.  I didn't want to buy gifts.  I didn't want to cook.

My husband really took charge this year, and made it a Christmas to remember.

I'm not getting sick like I had been, just lots of heartburn and dry-heaving.  But I'm still not eating or drinking as much as I should be at this point.  To top it off, Braxton Hicks contractions are increasing, and I'm having awful back pain.

Nurse Kate came over to give my my weekly shot.  I mentioned to her all the hiccuping, and she got a bit concerned.  She wanted to listen to the heartbeat, make sure baby wasn't in distress (BP 160, very active, lots of hiccups).  Then she went through her list of possible symptoms, and when I mentioned the back pain, she nonchalantly asked where it hurt, and when I told her "middle of my back, right side only" she kinda went pale.  Kidney infection.  With Christmas the next day, calling the OB's office wasn't going to do much, and I wasn't going to spend my holiday in the ER, so she told me to drink as much cranberry juice and water as I could until I could be seen.

I'd only had one kidney infection in my life, I don't remember it being this painful.  When I finally got ahold of my doctor, she wasn't surprised and didn't even make me come in to the office.  She said with my dehydration and the baby growing right there, it's a wonder I didn't get one sooner.  So she called in  for some lab work and ordered me a high dose of antibiotics and told me to "take it easy."

Thankfully my kids were going to be going to my parents house for a few days while my husband and I work and they kids are off school.  I mentioned to my mom about the infection and she told me to make sure I ate greek yogurt while taking the antibiotics, it's suppose to prevent the 'good bacteria' from being killed off.  I can't handle yogurt right now, but I did pick up some acidophilus supplements, which should do the same thing.   My other big concern is the fact that antibiotics affect P.O.T.S, and not always right away.  I noticed my worst P.O.T.S. episode this pregnancy came a few weeks after my blog clot was treated with a few days of antibiotics…

So now my daily pill intake is:  3 Zophran, 4 Diclegis, 2 Phenergan, 8+ Tums, 3 mini prenatals, 1 B12, 1 Acidophilus and 2 Antibiotics…

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