33 Weeks
Still contracting: All. The. Time.
Today it really started to hurt again. I did everything that I could, again. Drink water, empty bladder, walk around, lay on my side.
They're coming every 3 minutes, and they hurt.
After a few hours, we go in to the hospital. Again.
I've not had any repeat nurses yet, so there's that. But it seems like my doctor is hardly there... In fact, the doctor on call for my practice didn't even come in when I was there, leaving me with first year residents...
I get to a room, and woo hoo, I'm dilated! The resident called it "almost 3," which was a bit of a surprise, but a pleasant one. But they insisted that since I'm not "to term" they had to stop the labor. Fine, whatever, good luck with that. So they gave me the Tributaline shot, and it did NOTHING. They gave me Procardia, and it did NOTHING. Still contracting, still in pain. But no changes, so I was declared to not be in active labor.
They needed the delivery room, so they moved me to special care (again).
Even though they declared me to not be in active labor, I was put on a clear liquid diet. It's exactly how it sounds: clear liquids. Water, Sprite, Apple Juice to drink, Jell-o, Broth and Popsicles to eat. Now, for a woman who has hyperemesis, and couldn't keep down liquids for 6 months, they might as well have starved me.
They were insisting on the Procardia, and even though my doctor told me to not bother with it any more, I took it. But I warned them, they'd need to let me eat something with it. They told me no.
They should have listened to me. I got sick 4 times in a 3 hour span, it was awful. I actually called my doctor (who was off that day) and asked for help. The nurse must have gotten a hold of her right away, because I was allowed to eat after that call.
They kept me 2 nights. Morning #2 one of the doctors that I like (other than mine) was on call. She checked me and told me that the residents incorrectly called me "3cm" She said 1+, 60%. Well that's a big difference... So she sent me home...
The day I went home was 34 weeks exactly, my last progesterone shot, too. I'll miss my nurse, but not the shots.
Monday, March 31, 2014
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Baby Showers and Hyperemesis
32 Weeks
Woo Hoo! I made it to 32 weeks! Take THAT Dr. S!
I don't know why I'm even bothering with the Procardia at this point, it's not doing a darn thing! I've found that the Braxton Hicks contractions are not as frequent, but the real ones (yes there is a difference in where the tightening is) are happening every 10 minutes or so. I know most doctors would say "If you're having them more than 6 times an hour, go to the hospital." But I know that unless my doctor is there, or maybe one other doctor from the practice, they'd all just send me home right away. Unless of course my water broke.
So, I go on with my days, with moments of pain every 8-10 minutes.
At this week's check-up, things are progressing, or regressing depending on your point of view. Thinning again, back to where everything was a month ago before my miraculous thickening. At this rate, we estimate between 34-35 week delivery. My son was a 35 week-er, and though I hated the 10 day NICU stay, we survived it just fine.
We had a small baby shower this week, I'm so thankful for my friends. Anyone who knows me knows that I love to entertain... so this was the perfect excuse! Especially since I really haven't seen many of my friends throughout the pregnancy, because of how sick I was.
As always, I prepared way to much food, but in my defense, I was expecting more people than were able to come. I always prepare for the maybe's, just in case.
I loved having everyone over, and then crashed on the couch immediately after everyone left. I was exhausted. Then, I got sick.
Joy, hyperemesis is back...
I've not had much of an appetite this week, and too much to drink made me feel "swishy," but I hadn't gotten sick in weeks! But now it's back. Maybe it's the changing of hormones to prepare for the birth, but I just feel yucky and don't want to leave my bed, let alone my house.
Woo Hoo! I made it to 32 weeks! Take THAT Dr. S!
I don't know why I'm even bothering with the Procardia at this point, it's not doing a darn thing! I've found that the Braxton Hicks contractions are not as frequent, but the real ones (yes there is a difference in where the tightening is) are happening every 10 minutes or so. I know most doctors would say "If you're having them more than 6 times an hour, go to the hospital." But I know that unless my doctor is there, or maybe one other doctor from the practice, they'd all just send me home right away. Unless of course my water broke.
So, I go on with my days, with moments of pain every 8-10 minutes.
At this week's check-up, things are progressing, or regressing depending on your point of view. Thinning again, back to where everything was a month ago before my miraculous thickening. At this rate, we estimate between 34-35 week delivery. My son was a 35 week-er, and though I hated the 10 day NICU stay, we survived it just fine.
We had a small baby shower this week, I'm so thankful for my friends. Anyone who knows me knows that I love to entertain... so this was the perfect excuse! Especially since I really haven't seen many of my friends throughout the pregnancy, because of how sick I was.
As always, I prepared way to much food, but in my defense, I was expecting more people than were able to come. I always prepare for the maybe's, just in case.
I loved having everyone over, and then crashed on the couch immediately after everyone left. I was exhausted. Then, I got sick.
Joy, hyperemesis is back...
I've not had much of an appetite this week, and too much to drink made me feel "swishy," but I hadn't gotten sick in weeks! But now it's back. Maybe it's the changing of hormones to prepare for the birth, but I just feel yucky and don't want to leave my bed, let alone my house.
Monday, March 24, 2014
When Will It Stop?
31 weeks
Baby's room is in the works. We were given a gorgeous crib, and the baby's room has been painted. Steve's going to start working on the Winnie The Pooh mural soon, like he did Transformers for Steven. I think he needs to repaint the girls' room and put a mural in there too… hint hint!
My weekly shots are on Tuesdays, and it ended up being a snow day for the kids this week (again). Steve also happened to be off, and I was working from home anyway, so it was rather peaceful. Until around 4pm. That's when the contractions started. I wasn't due for another Procardia until 5:30, but boy these were getting bad. I tried to eat dinner, knowing my nurse was on her way.
I took my pill and laid down on the couch and waiting. And I started timing them. I've tried a few contraction timer apps, I've found that Contraction Timer by iBirth is fairly easy to use (though there's still opportunity for user error/double tapping that screws up the averages). I love that it also has the history saved.
Kate arrived, and I was still in pain. Steve answered the door and gave her an update. She was really concerned. She went through her assessment, gave me my shot, and sat and observed me for a few minutes. What concerned her the most was that the contractions, which usually had only been upper-to-middle belly, were painful a bit lower and in the back. She told Steve that if this continues for another hour, to take me in.
After about 45 minutes, Steve called the doctor on call. I would have just gone in, but I kinda wanted to know who was on duty that night… and it was the doctor from last Sunday. She remembered me, and told my husband that unless my water breaks, because the fetal fibernecton was negative, I'm not in labor and to just stay home. I. Was. Not. Happy. But at the same time, I didn't want to deal with her.
I stayed up watching Doctor Who all night. The pain level of the contractions went down to a more "manageable" level, but the frequency was still there. I don't think I slept at all that night. And the contractions continued throughout the day. I was taking my Procardia every 4 hours, on the dot, but it wasn't enough. After about 2 hours the intensity increased.
I called my doctor, she squeezed me in for another fetal fibernecton. I told her about my phone call last night, and she apologized. She said sometime the other doctors just aren't on the same page about patients, and the treatments get messed up. She told me, and put in my file, that if I go back in again (and she can't be reached) to make sure I get another steroid shot. She also told me I could increase the Procardia to every 3 hours for the next day or so.
The test, thankfully, came back negative again. But she said that there is alway a chance that something can change, and while the test is 'good' for 2 weeks, by my visit next Wednesday we could find that my cervix is thinning again and well… At least I'll be at 32 weeks.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Prayer & Progesterone
30 Weeks
A couple days after my hospital stay, I had my regularly scheduled visit with my doctor. I was pretty honest about how I felt about my care at the hospital, or should I say lack there of. She was pretty sympathetic.
I had another ultrasound done to measure everything. Baby was breech again, which I knew. It's been quite painful for me. And that baby is big, around 4LBS.
The best news of the day was that my cervix was indeed thickening back up. Last visit, at the rate of thinning, they estimated I would be at 1 cm by this visit, but I was at 2.2!
Just last week at my nurse's visit for my weekly shot, she asked if these shots were even benefitting me at all… clearly they are.
But most importantly, a lot of prayer. I know Steve and I, and the kids are praying daily for this baby, and I want to believe that everyone who says "praying for you" means it. Either way, this visit was an answer to prayer.
Now if only we could get these pesky contractions to stop.
Monday, March 17, 2014
Hospital, Round 2
30 Weeks
It started like any other Sunday morning. But better. I actually slept through the night on Saturday night. I didn't get up and have to take a 3am dose of Procardia. I woke up without any contractions or discomfort. Hubby went to his part time job, and I got the kids ready for church. I had breakfast, took my Procardia, and off we went.
Then it all went down hill.
About 20 minutes into service, about 45 minutes after taking the Procardia, contractions started. Usually when I take my meds, I get about 2 1/2 to 3 hours of comfort before the contractions start up again, then I can take the pill again after I've reached the 4 hour mark. But these were pretty strong. I started texting my husband, I downloaded an app on my phone to track the contractions, I tried laying down on the pew, I got up and walked around, drank some water, emptied my bladder… everything they tell you to calm down the uterus.
Nothing was helping. In fact they were getting worse.
Within an hour, they were lasting 3 minutes, and about 30 seconds after one would stop, another would start. And they hurt. It was looking as though this might be it.
Again, still at church, I had to have my husband's cousin drive us home. Steve was there getting a bag packed for me, and we were off.
The crummy part was my family was all on their way over to celebrate my mother's birthday…
We got to the hospital and I could barely talk, let alone walk. Steve wheeled me up to Labor & Delivery, and they got me in a bed right away. After I was hooked up to the monitors, they couldn't seem to keep baby on, and the nurse kept adjusting the belts… it was so uncomfortable.
The monitor that displays contractions showed my "resting point" at 7-9, but my contractions were spiking at 75-80. Not exactly sure how that all works. But I know from having 3 babies, when the line reaches the top of the monitor screen, with less than a minute between them, it's not a good thing.
The doctor came in, did an ultrasound to find baby's placement (this doctor was a bit rough, and particular about the heart rate monitor registering 100%). Then she started squeezing and pushing my belling, and announced "Oh they're just Braxton Hicks, you're not going into labor." While I like the idea of NOT having a baby 10 weeks early, how on earth do you know that from squeezing my belly? Do you SEE the monitor? Do you SEE that I'm in pain.
It had been 3 hours since my last Procardia, so I was due for another. They checked me, and I wasn't dilating, which again was good, but I was in pain, and the contractions wouldn't stop. They gave me more Tributaline, like the last time. It. Was. Awful. I nearly blacked out, and baby's heart rate jumped really high. Like, 180 bpm high. Contractions stopped for about an hour. When they returned, they weren't as painful, but just as frequent.
They had done another fetal fiebernecton, which came back negative (yay). And as rude as the doctor was to me, she admitted me for the night because the baby's heart rate was taking a long time to slow down. So another hospital stay, and no sleep. Contractions all night long, and baby was really hyper.
In the morning, another doctor from the practice was in, she sent me home right away, announcing there was nothing they could do. I had to stay off my feet as much as possible, and take my meds on time, and wait it out.
I mean, if "fake" contractions are this bad this time around, what are the real things going to feel like?
It started like any other Sunday morning. But better. I actually slept through the night on Saturday night. I didn't get up and have to take a 3am dose of Procardia. I woke up without any contractions or discomfort. Hubby went to his part time job, and I got the kids ready for church. I had breakfast, took my Procardia, and off we went.
Then it all went down hill.
About 20 minutes into service, about 45 minutes after taking the Procardia, contractions started. Usually when I take my meds, I get about 2 1/2 to 3 hours of comfort before the contractions start up again, then I can take the pill again after I've reached the 4 hour mark. But these were pretty strong. I started texting my husband, I downloaded an app on my phone to track the contractions, I tried laying down on the pew, I got up and walked around, drank some water, emptied my bladder… everything they tell you to calm down the uterus.
Nothing was helping. In fact they were getting worse.
Within an hour, they were lasting 3 minutes, and about 30 seconds after one would stop, another would start. And they hurt. It was looking as though this might be it.
Again, still at church, I had to have my husband's cousin drive us home. Steve was there getting a bag packed for me, and we were off.
The crummy part was my family was all on their way over to celebrate my mother's birthday…
We got to the hospital and I could barely talk, let alone walk. Steve wheeled me up to Labor & Delivery, and they got me in a bed right away. After I was hooked up to the monitors, they couldn't seem to keep baby on, and the nurse kept adjusting the belts… it was so uncomfortable.
The monitor that displays contractions showed my "resting point" at 7-9, but my contractions were spiking at 75-80. Not exactly sure how that all works. But I know from having 3 babies, when the line reaches the top of the monitor screen, with less than a minute between them, it's not a good thing.
The doctor came in, did an ultrasound to find baby's placement (this doctor was a bit rough, and particular about the heart rate monitor registering 100%). Then she started squeezing and pushing my belling, and announced "Oh they're just Braxton Hicks, you're not going into labor." While I like the idea of NOT having a baby 10 weeks early, how on earth do you know that from squeezing my belly? Do you SEE the monitor? Do you SEE that I'm in pain.
It had been 3 hours since my last Procardia, so I was due for another. They checked me, and I wasn't dilating, which again was good, but I was in pain, and the contractions wouldn't stop. They gave me more Tributaline, like the last time. It. Was. Awful. I nearly blacked out, and baby's heart rate jumped really high. Like, 180 bpm high. Contractions stopped for about an hour. When they returned, they weren't as painful, but just as frequent.
They had done another fetal fiebernecton, which came back negative (yay). And as rude as the doctor was to me, she admitted me for the night because the baby's heart rate was taking a long time to slow down. So another hospital stay, and no sleep. Contractions all night long, and baby was really hyper.
In the morning, another doctor from the practice was in, she sent me home right away, announcing there was nothing they could do. I had to stay off my feet as much as possible, and take my meds on time, and wait it out.
I mean, if "fake" contractions are this bad this time around, what are the real things going to feel like?
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Fears Setting In
29 Weeks....
Went to the doctor a few days ago. We had to re-run a few tests from my hospital stay earlier in the month. The results weren't what we'd hoped for.
When I was discharged from the hospital, cervical length was 2.2 cm. This time it was 1.6 cm. At this rate, they suspect I'll deliver by 34 weeks at the latest. The fetal fibronectin, was positive again: 40% chance of delivering in 2 weeks. Doctor doesn't believe I will, based on cervical length, and I trust her more than a test.
Baby is a good size, about 3 Lbs right now. We couldn't get a good length on him/her, because of the breech positioning. Poor kid's foot was above it's face! :(
But she wants me resting as much as possible. And I want to be resting. It's hard to sit up in a chair at times; I kinda wish I had a couch or something at my office to lay down on and work. On the days I work from home, I'm usually on the couch with my laptop. It's easier to get work done with you're comfortable. But I'm really not comfortable. The baby is trying really hard to move, but doesn't seem to be able to. It's so painful for me, I don't have any clue what he/she must be feeling in there.
I got another "fat"/"Are you sure there's just 1" comment this week... The kid is laying sideways right under my diaphragm... if baby was sitting normally I wouldn't look this big.
Goodness, I've only gained 12 lbs this entire pregnancy, and most of it in the last 2 weeks! I think the steroid shot has really helped baby grow, and so my appetite is finally growing too. Still have plenty of food aversions, though...
The kids have been getting a kick out of watching my belly move, and Steve seems to be enjoying talking to my belly, because every time he does, the baby gets excited and starts kicking/squirming.
I feel better knowing we're doing everything in our powers to keep baby healthy - lots of prayer, rest, even reaching out to others for help. But I can't deny the fact that I'm so scared. I know that sometimes even full term 40 week babies have health issues and end up in the NICU, but going into all this knowing I'll probably have a few weeks there... As amazing as my hospital is, the NICU is a sad place.
Went to the doctor a few days ago. We had to re-run a few tests from my hospital stay earlier in the month. The results weren't what we'd hoped for.
When I was discharged from the hospital, cervical length was 2.2 cm. This time it was 1.6 cm. At this rate, they suspect I'll deliver by 34 weeks at the latest. The fetal fibronectin, was positive again: 40% chance of delivering in 2 weeks. Doctor doesn't believe I will, based on cervical length, and I trust her more than a test.
Baby is a good size, about 3 Lbs right now. We couldn't get a good length on him/her, because of the breech positioning. Poor kid's foot was above it's face! :(
But she wants me resting as much as possible. And I want to be resting. It's hard to sit up in a chair at times; I kinda wish I had a couch or something at my office to lay down on and work. On the days I work from home, I'm usually on the couch with my laptop. It's easier to get work done with you're comfortable. But I'm really not comfortable. The baby is trying really hard to move, but doesn't seem to be able to. It's so painful for me, I don't have any clue what he/she must be feeling in there.
I got another "fat"/"Are you sure there's just 1" comment this week... The kid is laying sideways right under my diaphragm... if baby was sitting normally I wouldn't look this big.
Goodness, I've only gained 12 lbs this entire pregnancy, and most of it in the last 2 weeks! I think the steroid shot has really helped baby grow, and so my appetite is finally growing too. Still have plenty of food aversions, though...
The kids have been getting a kick out of watching my belly move, and Steve seems to be enjoying talking to my belly, because every time he does, the baby gets excited and starts kicking/squirming.
I feel better knowing we're doing everything in our powers to keep baby healthy - lots of prayer, rest, even reaching out to others for help. But I can't deny the fact that I'm so scared. I know that sometimes even full term 40 week babies have health issues and end up in the NICU, but going into all this knowing I'll probably have a few weeks there... As amazing as my hospital is, the NICU is a sad place.
Monday, March 10, 2014
2 Weeks Later And...
No baby!
28 weeks now.
It's been 2 weeks since my hospital stay (Jan 10-13), where tests showed a 40% chance that I'd have the baby in 2 week. Guess what, no baby! Praise God!
Still having some mild contractions, the Procardia does seem to be working, but there have been days when I wish I could take it after 3 hours instead of 4.
I'm glad I was able to work from home a few days this week. It feels so much better to be stretched out, not just sitting.
It feels like baby is trying to move positions, but can't. Every night, usually around 3AM, I am woken up with crazy movements and hits, like she/he is trying to move head down, but then give us and stays laying across my belly. And right under the diaphragm… I mean, really, his/her hiccups are not pleasant. They contribute to my heartburn and nausea. As much as I'd like baby to not be breach, it's somewhat relieving, because baby's not in the birthing position.
Speaking of birthing position… someone informed my 8 year old daughter the 2 ways babies come out of mommy's tummies: cut out in surgery or through "private parts." My husband and I were in shock for a few minutes, then he whispered to me "yea, I might have told her that…" So much for prolonged innocence…
28 weeks now.
It's been 2 weeks since my hospital stay (Jan 10-13), where tests showed a 40% chance that I'd have the baby in 2 week. Guess what, no baby! Praise God!
Still having some mild contractions, the Procardia does seem to be working, but there have been days when I wish I could take it after 3 hours instead of 4.
I'm glad I was able to work from home a few days this week. It feels so much better to be stretched out, not just sitting.
It feels like baby is trying to move positions, but can't. Every night, usually around 3AM, I am woken up with crazy movements and hits, like she/he is trying to move head down, but then give us and stays laying across my belly. And right under the diaphragm… I mean, really, his/her hiccups are not pleasant. They contribute to my heartburn and nausea. As much as I'd like baby to not be breach, it's somewhat relieving, because baby's not in the birthing position.
Speaking of birthing position… someone informed my 8 year old daughter the 2 ways babies come out of mommy's tummies: cut out in surgery or through "private parts." My husband and I were in shock for a few minutes, then he whispered to me "yea, I might have told her that…" So much for prolonged innocence…
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Bed Rest and New Meds
27 weeks
I left the hospital with instructions to remain as sedentary as possible. I wasn't given strict "bed rest," but it was strongly encouraged.
Everyone at the hospital told me to rely on my family for help. So my kids have had to work a bit harder around the house this week. Yes, I could get myself a glass of water, but according to all the doctors and nurses, I need to let someone else do it for me.
I'm not allowed to stay in a standing position, I must sit at all times. Thankfully my couch is comfy… might have to start eating meals on the couch. I slept on the couch the first couple of nights, I didn't have the energy to climb the stairs.
But of course, with the "bed rest" I still need to keep moving. With my Jawbone UP, I have it set to vibrated every 30 minutes, so I remind myself to get up and move around. Drink some water if I hadn't in a while. It's sad that I need to remind myself to do these things, but whatever. I know I need my rest, but I also do try to avoid swelling and blood clots.
After a couple days home I went to the doctor. I usually get one of the first appointments available, 8:45 or 9, but even at my 9am appointment she was running 40 minutes late. I was afraid that she'd rush the appointment. But she didn't. Baby's heartbeat was strong, as usual. No weight gain from my last appointment, which she didn't like (then I reminded her about the hospital food, she laughed). She put me on the Procardia for the next 6 weeks. Which the Fetal Monitoring Specialist told me he didn't do to patients any more, but I trust my doctor more than him.
Unfortunately, Procardia wasn't available at my regular pharmacy, so I had to call around to find one that did have some, even enough to get me through a few days until I could get the full prescription.
I didn't notice the dizziness when I was in the hospital. But oh my word, it was awful. It seemed like minutes after I took the pill the room was spinning. I took it with dinner, but it didn't seem to matter.
This first weekend on the meds, my husband had taken our girls to a Bible Quiz tournament (they rocked it!), but I had our son with us. He's such an easy going child, and so worried about me. He was such a help to me, and didn't mind that I couldn't take him to go to McDonald's play land to play, like I had suggested earlier in the week.
This first weekend on the meds, my husband had taken our girls to a Bible Quiz tournament (they rocked it!), but I had our son with us. He's such an easy going child, and so worried about me. He was such a help to me, and didn't mind that I couldn't take him to go to McDonald's play land to play, like I had suggested earlier in the week.
Monday, March 3, 2014
Baby Wearing…?
"Wearing" your baby seems to be more common than it had been 5, 7, and 8 years ago when my other children were born.

Sling Pouch: Finally, 1 piece. However, it looks like a new product, and only 2 Amazon reviews... so not too sure if I want to try this one or not.
Baby K'tan: Again, another wrap, and you've got to find your "size". All the reviews I've read said the sizing chart was not true to their bodies; but it was inconsistent. Some said it ran small, others, big...

Seven Slings: Looks like it's one piece, which I like. But also looks like you need to find "your size," and the reviews are pretty poor…
So please, if you are a baby wearing mom, let me know what kind you are using, and how it's working for you!
Before, the only option available was the harness things. Then all of a sudden these wraps were everywhere.
The babies look so comfortable, and so do the moms! I love the idea of holding my child, yet still have a free hand. And people have told me that it's really easy to nurse while wearing their babies.
But there seems to be so many options, and you have to get the right "size" for your body. Then there's the whole learning how to tie these things...
I met a mom a few months ago who had the most awesome looking sling ever - I can't remember what it was called now, but it started with an H, and she said I could find it on Amazon. But I couldn't! It was just 1 piece, no tying necessary; just 1 big piece of material folded in half and the baby sat snuggly inside. I wanted it! But I can't find it (so if ANYONE knows what this is, please let me know!).
I mean, these slings and wraps are fairly intimidating... And they never show a woman wearing a tiny infant; usually a 6 month old who can sit up. I want to see someone wearing a newborn baby! I've seen a couple of YouTube videos on wraps with newborns, but they weren't helpful to me.
So here are a few that I've found: PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME! I really want to get a baby wrap/sling, but have NO IDEA what works in the real world! Something that either my husband or I could use, something where I could pick baby up and go, without worrying about adjusting every 10 minutes, something that will help me nurse discretely (with a cover, too, of course), and something that will last!
Mobi Wrap: This thing looks so intimidating... I mean, every YouTube demonstration takes like 8 minutes just to tie it before they put their baby in. I want something where I can pick my baby out of it's carseat and just be on my way...

Boba Wrap: This one is fairly similar to the Mobi, and they say its "Ideal" for nursing. How...?
Lite On Shoulder Wrap: This one is similar to what I've found like the lady who I met. And their ads do show younger babies, as well as toddlers (why you'd want to wear a toddler is beyond me...)
The babies look so comfortable, and so do the moms! I love the idea of holding my child, yet still have a free hand. And people have told me that it's really easy to nurse while wearing their babies.
But there seems to be so many options, and you have to get the right "size" for your body. Then there's the whole learning how to tie these things...
I met a mom a few months ago who had the most awesome looking sling ever - I can't remember what it was called now, but it started with an H, and she said I could find it on Amazon. But I couldn't! It was just 1 piece, no tying necessary; just 1 big piece of material folded in half and the baby sat snuggly inside. I wanted it! But I can't find it (so if ANYONE knows what this is, please let me know!).
I mean, these slings and wraps are fairly intimidating... And they never show a woman wearing a tiny infant; usually a 6 month old who can sit up. I want to see someone wearing a newborn baby! I've seen a couple of YouTube videos on wraps with newborns, but they weren't helpful to me.
So here are a few that I've found: PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME! I really want to get a baby wrap/sling, but have NO IDEA what works in the real world! Something that either my husband or I could use, something where I could pick baby up and go, without worrying about adjusting every 10 minutes, something that will help me nurse discretely (with a cover, too, of course), and something that will last!
Sling Pouch: Finally, 1 piece. However, it looks like a new product, and only 2 Amazon reviews... so not too sure if I want to try this one or not.
So please, if you are a baby wearing mom, let me know what kind you are using, and how it's working for you!
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